While being partners since early 2020 to present we'd like you to show you the ambitious large requirements a single website targeting one of the strongest and hardest niches in the industry "pharma". The goal was simply to reach key positions that would deliver increasing organic traffic to their website increasing the leads and signups that they were already getting.
At the beginning when we just engaged with this client the website was brand new and wasn't getting any traffic. This site was built by very knowledgeable SEOs who knew what they were doing in terms of on-page SEO, what was needed here was an extra push in off-page efforts to increase the visibility and organic traffic, simply put, the client wanted rankings.
This wasn't a conservative campaign at all, this was really aggressive from the start since we wanted to achieve target keywords as soon as possible, the site was also very new and had little to no age, les than 6 months of being built. We didn't really need to do competitive research or technical onpage since the client's website was already in good shape and properly optimized with correlation software (before Surfer, Cora and Pop evey existed). **to this day we continue pushing it upwards and pushing more content with the help of AI to generate it and classify it.
All this website needed was link power, through various methods of curated links, broken link building, tierered link building and a little bit of our secret offpage link techniques. We handpicked the sites to get links from, leaving relevancy aside we just were after "link power" from the very beginning.
After 2 months we hit our expectations of making this site reaching the target SERP positions that we had in mind and increased the organic keywords for which they were ranking by over 100 times what they were before.